Fabiano Alborghetti (1970) is a poet and cultural promoter. He writes in Italian and lives in Ticino (Switzerland)
He published eight books of poetry as well as some chap and art books. His poems are translated in more then ten languages and appeared in journals, anthologies or in extenso.
He is listed as a reference author in the literature section of the Lonely Planet Switzerland guidebook
For the books translated into English, check'em out here
Presently he's a member of the scientific board of the Chiassoletteraria Festival, the Lettere dalla Svizzera alla Valposchiavo festival and the Editor in Chief of the Poetry Series for the Swiss-based publishing house Gabriele Capelli Editore and the of manager of the Swiss-italian section of the Letture sul Sofà / Sofalesungen / Lectures Canap
From May 2018 he's the President and Artistic Director of the The House of Literature of the Svizzera Italiana based in Lugano.
His poems have been translated, for magazines, anthologies or in unabridged translation, into more than ten languages.
He is listed as a reference author in the literature section of the Lonely Planet Switzerland guidebook.
Fabiano Alborghetti received a number of literary award over the years. Among the many it is worth to mention the Swiss Prize of Literature in 2018. In 2023 he was a nominee for the Premio Strega Poesia.
Previous cultural engagements:
2019-2021: editorial board of the international magazine Caravansary sponsored and promoted by the publishing house Uniediciones Sello Editorial (Ibáñez Group) for whom he’s in charge of the section dedicated to Swiss literature. The magazine hosts collaborators from 14 countries and is distributed throughout Latin America.
2017-2019: board of directors of AdS (Swiss Writers Association) for whom he still works within the project of the House of Literature based in Lugano.
2014-2020: scientific committee of the Babel Festival
2014-2017: Editor in Chief of the poetry journal Atelier
2010-2012: artistic director both for Switzerland and Italy of the poetry festival PoesiaPresente
He coordinated an Anthology of Swiss-Italian poets published in Poland as well as three anthologies of Ticino poetry for the Swedish Lit. Journal Staden. He's constantly promoting translation projects of Swiss and Italians poets abroad as well as bringing poets from the world to be translated into italian.
He also wrote critics for the web and paper publications. He founded literary journals, dedicated columns, radio formats and poetry projects for prisons, schools and hospitals. He also collaborates with various publishing houses and promoted the publications of newcomers as well as some of the best internationals poets such as Jackie Kay, Kathleen Jamie, Janet Frame (the first translation ever appeared in Europe of Janet Frame's poetry production) and Seamus Heaney.
In 2019 he managed to host the Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka as guest of honor of the festival Chiassoletteraria.
Aside from collaborating with various publishing houses, he also collaborated with the Fondazione Sasso Corbaro for the Medical Humaties in speaking engagements in order to connect literature and medical care practices.
Occasionally he works as a translator from other idioms to italian: among the works, poems of Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Kurt Marti (included in the anthology Poetry of German Switzerland tranlated by Poets, Crocetti, 2017); from English and from French (the lyrics of the show Partir of the Swiss-Albanian singer-songwriter Elina Duni, Swiss Music Award, 2017)
In January 2015 he got called from the Lugano municipality in order to give the population a poetic speech during the New Year’s Ceremony held at the Congress Palace.
He received 2 Pro Helvetia's Writing Grants, the UBS Foundation Writing Grant and the Landis & Gyr Grant.
In 2018 he was awarded with the Swiss Literature Award.
In 2019 The Swiss Broadcasting System RSI Radiotelevisione della Svizzera italiana produced and aired in full version the poetry novel Maiser as a radio drama.
Thanks to the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation, he officially represented Ticino, Switzerland and the Italian language in festivals both homeland and across the world.
Photos by Ladina Bischof:
Photos by Michela Di Savino